
The Planning of Our Garden

We started planning our garden for spring the other night and as I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, we have decided to grow our garden to where we can live off.

D and I started planning our garden for the spring the other night and as I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, we have decided to grow our garden to where we can live off it as much as possible throughout the year. Basically, we are growing from two raised beds to about 10 plus and several half wine barrel planter beds. It’s an overwhelming task to say the least but one that both D and I are looking forward to.

Over the weekend I went into the garage to find all the bags of seeds that we already have. We needed to devise a plan centered around one questions: What are we really going to eat? Last year we planted too much of most items and not enough of few others we surprisingly enjoyed eating and all at the same time. So, when it came time to harvest, we had more broccoli,  snap peas, and pickles then we knew what to do with. And for the record, we did try to can the pickles but they didn’t work out so well. If any of you have a great pickling recipe I would love to hear all about it!

Seed envelopes and flowers
Seed envelopes for garden
Tomato seed envelope

So this year we are devising a plan. A few weeks back I jotted down what I thought we would eat and find use for.

Garden plan paper with lists

Then David and I looked at some different sites that offered heirloom seeds and decided that we wanted to order  from Botanical Interest. The reason for picking them out of the hundreds of others basically came down to how easy the website was to navigate. Honestly. I have this funny thing about websites. If they are chaotic and cluttered I will exit out of them as quickly as I found them. I like clean, organized, and informational. Botanical Interest has it all! So as we looked over the site, D took note on which seeds we were getting, as well as spacing for planting and rows.

Seed lists on paper

Since we are starting most, if not all of these little guys inside, we want to be well prepared to start planting when we get back from our trip from SE Asia and hopefully start working on building my potting shed! {More to come on that later!}

I’d love to know: What are you planting in your garden this spring? Any great advice for starting from seed inside?